Mathematical & Logical Puzzles -Q5

17. Missionaries and Cannibals

            Three missionaries and three cannibals have to cross a river with the aid of a two-seater row-boat.  Since the man-eating savages are ravenously hungry, it is imperative that on neither shore they are ever in the majority.  The priests’ difficulties are further aggravated by the fact that, of the three savages only one knows how to row, and of the three priests only one knows how to row.  How does this uneasy company get across the river?

18. Road Safety Addition

           H A L T
               A T
         M A J O R
           R O A D
         A H E A D

19. The Lonesome Eight

                  x x 8 x x
    x x x ) x x x x x x x x
              x x x
                x x x x
                  x x x
                    x x x x
                    x x x x

            The figure represents a long division, Xs representing unknown digits.  Fill in these unknown digits making the division correct.  There is only one possible solution.

            Note:  This problem is a lot easier that it at first appears, yielding readily to a few elementary insights.

20. The Farmer And The Hundred Dollars

            A farmer went to market to buy some animals.  Cows, sheep and pigs must all be represented in his purchase.  Cows sold at $5 each, sheep at $1 each and pigs at $1 for 20.  The farmer has $100 to spend and he wants to buy 100 animals.  How many of each did he buy?


PUZZLES 1922604691015602126

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